Monday, March 26, 2018

Educational Technology Blog/Online Learning 676 (100pts)

EEND 676 Class Reflection and Artifacts

My Big Take Away
On the evening of Wednesday, April 4, 2018, my Math Coach, Mary Pickens and I were reviewing a co-taught lesson she provided for our class.  I was inspired by the design of the learning task.  The lesson was perfectly aligned with our standards.  The depth of the lesson reached students at all levels.  We were reviewing student responses and learning.  Mary was making sure I had what I needed to continue with the lesson for the remainder of the week.  We tweaked it to meet the needs of the students.  I then showed Mary a Math Padlet I had created.  She almost jumped out of her skin.  I was so excited to share it with her.  I had sent her a link previously.  I ask why she had not jumped into the platform with us.  She admitted that she needed to view it in person with me.  I was reminded that technology does not replace a side by side conversations and sharing.  I told Mary that I  wanted to be able to plan deep and meaningful lessons like the one she led early in my class.  Mary expressed to me that no individual should be coming up with these lessons in isolation.  We need to create these lessons together.  Ding. Ding. Ding.  We need to collaborate.  We need to do mini-lessons in our PLC and we need to share our thinking.

Artifact 1  EEND 676

Evaluating the effectiveness of a collaborative web tool is a more challenging task than I thought it would be.  We must be very deliberate with the tools and the learning standards.  This was a very meaningful assignment.  My personal reflection guided me to new thinking about tools I was using.  I was surprised at the rating some of the collaborative web tools received based on my criteria.  This assignment was well worth the time spent.  I appreciate the feedback and the opportunity to discuss our findings with colleagues.

Artifact 2  EEND 676
So here is the first artifact.

It feels good to get feedback.  Students of all ages want to communicate their learning and get a response to their work.  Teachers are an audience.  It is important to let learners know what works in an assignment and why.  Sometimes learnings do something in an assignment and don't know that it is best practice.  When an instructor highlights something that is done well, the student may continue with the practice.  More importantly, the students may know why the practice is important.

So, if you viewed my artifact you can see that the blog was a new skill for my students.  The benefit of these cohort classes is that we are able to explore lessons and technology with our students and other professionals.  The cohort becomes a safe place to fall.  

As a result of viewing the resources in the modules, I have been introduced to a one-point rubric. The one point rubric aligns with the feedback I am able to give to my students when responding to their writings using Google Docs.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your reflection and artifacts. You have such succinct writing. I like to look at your work with your students. I work with 1st graders, so it is good to see what the older students are doing. It also shows me what I need to do to prepare my students for the next grade. Take care.
