Monday, March 26, 2018

Introductory Blog Post 676 (5 points)

                           Introduction from September 18, 2018

Greetings Learners,

I have the honor and privilege of teaching 5th-grade students in a general education setting. This year I am co-teaching with a bilingual teacher.  To our knowledge, this is the first pairing of a general education class and a bilingual class.  

The class follows a workshop model for all subjects.  We begin with a mini-lesson for all students.  Students are then divided into groups.  Students work collaboratively and independently on grade level common core standards and curriculum.  Teachers and students monitor growth and learning in all subject areas.  Students utilize Mastery Connect and Google Classroom for English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Health.

I began in this profession 30 years ago as a teacher's aide.  I have taught every grade pre-school through 9th grade.  I have also served as a building and district level administrator.  

My current comfort level is very high.  I know I can learn anything and that I won't break the computer.  My proficiency with digital learning ranks me as a novice.  That is why I am in this cohort.

I cannot name a favorite tech tool.  I'm in love with the entire culture of positive digital learning and tools.

Our school's movement towards a 1:1 transition is alive and well in my classroom.  Every student in my room has a Google Chrome book.  Soon all 3rd, 4th and 5th-grade students in my building will also.

You are a witness to my greatest EdTech success.  This blog!  I can't believe I have a blog!

I don't really have any memorable EdTech failures.  I fail with technology daily.  So it's pretty routine.  Back in the 1990's I remember having to retype papers because I forgot to hit the save button.  Thank God for the automatic save feature in the Google Suite.  Bye-Bye Microsoft Word.

My funniest EdTech moment is now.  It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm doing homework.  

(Full Disclosure...I don't have a cat) 

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