Sunday, October 14, 2018

End of Course 678

End of Course 678

confused driven to distraction GIF by Archie ComicsEEND 678 EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION INTO LESSONS AND CURRICULUM (3)  This course will prepare candidates to seamlessly integrate technology into current units of study.  Candidates will also learn how to use technology to enhance lesson presentation.  Technological trends will be review and analyzed with a focus on the effectiveness of technology in the classroom.  Candidates will also develop criteria for evaluating the instructional technology.  The National Educational Technology Standards will be addressed and how these standards merge with state and national content standard.  

scared cookie lyon GIF by Empire FOX

This is my fourth Teaching with  Technology cohort course.  I have grown tremendously.  I have seen God's grace as my mother battled bile duct cancer. My youngest child is experiencing her first semester away from home at the University of Illinois Urbana.  I have a new normal in my personal and professional life.  I have discovered, if I do what I need to do to add value to my life, the cohort feels like a blessing.  When I don't take care of myself, the cohort becomes a burden.  I sincerely admire and appreciate my cohort members and teachers. 

I really looked forward to our face to face class time.  Our time together was well planned by the instructor.  I felt empowered.   My big take away is...Effective Technology Integration requires a restored teacher.


My life is under construction.  

Is yours?


  1. I always love how decorated and thoughtful your blogs are! You're very honest and that's a quality we can all appreciate. I definitely agree that our face to face class time was well planned and well spent. I've also been working on a new normal so this definitely spoke to me. Best of luck in your restoration!!

  2. The Archie gif made me giggle as I am listening to Riverdale as I complete my homework. As usual, I appreciate your candor Veronica. As educators, I sometimes feel that we feel we need to be invincible. We need to have a thousand balls in the air and if we let one drop, we doubt ourselves. Just know that I never doubt you. You are strong. You are funny. You are kind hearted (that was almost like the montra from The Help). You are always putting your students first and because of that you and your family come second. Nonetheless, you hit the nail on the head that we are rejuvenated when we come together and share. It fills our bucket. I have learned much from you and my other colleagues. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for sharing CM's snacks with me. And thank you for being someone I call a friend.

  3. I love your blog.....I will help you put in your artifacts if you help me with my blog...I really enjoy learning and growing as an educator with you. You are so positive and encouraging. Pat

  4. Your blog makes me smile and realize that I am not alone in the craziness we call life. Like you, I also felt that our face to face meetings were well planned and made me feel empowered to keep chugging along and encouraged me to try something new. Keep your head up lady and know that you are doing a great job! Our building is lucky to have you!

  5. Cool blog! Wow, I loved the Gif of Archie also. I also feel like I have grown a lot in this class. I can say that I got a lot more from our face to face classes than when I was trying to figure it out o my own. I learned a lot from my classmates and wish I had started the cohort with them because all the cool stuff they showed me made me realize how much I am behind in the technology department.

  6. Veronica, I couldn't agree with you more. This cohort is truly a blessing. With the rough year I feel I have coming, being able to see everyone a few times is so worth it. It makes me realize that I'm not alone. It's not just me with the struggles I'm facing, and that I have made friends that are truly listening and understanding. Along with the fact that we are learning so much to pass on to our scholars and we are being inspired by each other.

  7. Super. Woman. The cohort has been a gift to many of us, as we challenge who we have been with who we can become. Growth by definition is uncomfortable, and yet having a support system that appreciates the work and recognizes the effort we are expending to grow for our students makes it just a little bit easier. The beginning of the year with all of the challenges thrown our way, has always had a bit of "chaos meets crazy" feel to it, and the added pressure of family changes and health concerns, has me bowing down to the grace and strength you have shown. This cohort reaffirms my belief in the goodness of people and strength in numbers.

  8. Super. Woman. The cohort has been a gift to many of us, as we challenge who we have been with who we can become. Growth by definition is uncomfortable, and yet having a support system that appreciates the work and recognizes the effort we are expending to grow for our students makes it just a little bit easier. The beginning of the year with all of the challenges thrown our way, has always had a bit of "chaos meets crazy" feel to it, and the added pressure of family changes and health concerns, has me bowing down to the grace and strength you have shown. This cohort reaffirms my belief in the goodness of people and strength in numbers.
