Monday, April 22, 2019

681 Course Relection

681 Course Reflection

I didn't know what I didn't know

IT management, system admin, networks and networking tools, security tools, e-rates, and other things all need to be in place for me to turn on my computer and teach.  It is an IT ecosystem and there is a delicate balance.  During this course, I thought about the things I have taken for granted.  I was clueless about what it takes to achieve forward momentum for technology in classrooms.  I was happy in my end-user world.

The task of empowering students and staff with the tools and resources to be innovative learners is herculean.  School leaders must be visionary planners.  Strategic planning can support the creation of quality infrastructure and the implementation of support systems.

Now more than ever before we have a plastics crisis.  Electronics are the fastest growing waste. Technology procurement must consider and account for the ethical and responsible disposal of equipment.  Learn more about electronic waste disposal options for Will County residents.

Good stewardship is paramount for maximizing leverage.  Leaders have a responsibility to decrease the savage inequities in the digital divide.  A divide that is now multi-dimensional.  This includes how to use the internet and computer technology efficiently and effectively.

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