Monday, April 22, 2019

681 Artifact 2

681 Managing Educ Tech Services

Artifact 2--Technology Plan and Presentation

Creating a Technology Plan and presentation with a partner was invigorating.  Collaboration with a highly skilled professional who has shared course knowledge is a highly specific opportunity.  I am grateful that I was able to partner with Rebeca Ashworth for this assignment.  I had a taste of the power of collaboration when Rebeca, Michael Schuller, Deanna Hasselbring and I created a plan for a 21st-Century Learning Space in class.  It was fantastic!  Check out the Google Slide presentation done in class.

While working on the Technology Plan, the most beneficial discovery was Spiceworks.  This free online resource provides everything that system administrators, network engineers, technicians, and IT leaders need.  The Help Desk allows an organization to go beyond ticketing to understand and change staff and student behavior to add value to the learning environment.

As a result of studying the Spiceworks tools, I feel like I am better prepared to sit at the preverbal "technology table."  Perhaps the skills I am acquiring can be used to support a non-for profit or a library...Someday.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Unsplash

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