Monday, April 22, 2019

681 Artifact 1

Bitmoji Image681 Managing Educ Tech Services

Artifact 1-Module 01

The first week of this course was intense.  I read and reread each of the activity resources provided in Module 1 at least ten times.  The acronyms were foreign to my lexicon.  It was shocking.  As a veteran educator, I use and am well versed in my share of acronyms.  I strive to get AYP with my ELL and IEP students by using SIP strategies such as DEAR and KWL. 👀 See, I told you.

When faced with examining the ethical codes for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-Computer Society (IEEE), and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) I was LOST.  😕  The saving grace was an extract from the book " Ethics and Technology" by Herman T. Tavani.  The selection "Professional Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct" was illuminating.  Codes of conduct are not new to me professionally.  In fact, professional codes have been ubiquitous.  Teachers are painfully aware of a wide variety of school, district, state, federal, and global standards.

In all of my years in the profession, I never thought about the purpose of professional codes.  It has just been a part of my life.  Taking the time to examine the merits and criticisms of professional codes for IT and engineering professional was difficult and beneficial.  I am reminded that I am capable of disaggregating information when I am out of my comfort zone.

Screen Shot of Discussion Post

but wait theres more GIFThere is more...the week and Module 1 are not finished yet!  The next experience was to research and write a two-page expository essay regarding challenges in the application of social, equitable, ethical, and/or legal standards in the field of educational technology leadership.  

After diving deep into the module one resources and activities writing the paper was less daunting.  I tackled inequality.  Specifically, I believe that inequality cannot be an excuse for schools to be stagnant in striving for equitable access to technology and 21st-century learning for students.  


  1. Looking back at the depth of the Week 1 panic, I can't believe we actually made it through. The tenacity that it took to dig deep and expose ourselves to this "great Unknown" of IT but also the heavy mental lifting it took to really look at the issues surrounding our technology use and the responsibilities we have to those we serve, was truly daunting. This one left me with many questions still to reflect on.

    1. The first week was indeed daunnting. We made it. Having reflective questions beyond the class is good.
