Monday, March 4, 2019

681 Introduction

681 Introduction

restaurant photoThis is my third time updating my Introduction while in this cohort. When I go to link previous introductions, the information seems outdated. How can that be? Just like this photo by Toa Heftiba, my sign keeps changing. My life mirrors a tech cycle. You know, how new products replace what you just purchased 3 months ago? I feel like I've lived 3 lifetimes within the span of this cohort. I now have 18 credit hours completed. So, I'm going to keep it simple.

📕Employed: Joliet SD86 Isaac Singleton Elementary
📚Professional experience: Chicago Archdiocese, Charter & Public Schools Teacher/ Building   and District Level Administrator/National Louis University Adjunct
🎬Current position: 5th-Grade General Education Self-Contained Inclusion Class Teacher
🕜Years of experience: 30
🤞Hope for the Course: To be free of hardware and networking intimidation.
😷Something personal: Cancer is hugely disruptive, chaotic, and just plain awful for the patient                                          and family. I have a new normal.

My Life

Pre & Present Cohort Semi-Infographic

(Inspired by Lynda Siezega)

Before August 2017                                                                        

I knew how to click on a link but not how to create one.         
I can create a link in my sleep!

Before August 2017
I had not taken graduate-level courses in almost 20 years.

I have successfully completed 18 credit hours.

Before August 2017
I had perfect attendance.
Doctors' appointments impacted my attendance.
I am a caregiver, wife, mother, daughter, and teacher.

Passion and Purpose are a great Prescription!

Learning and Zumba are a big part of my self-care plan.

My comfort with technology is increasing daily.  It is becoming invisible.  This is a concept I picked up from Kevin Pashuk in a text from our previous class.  He is an IT Alchemist!  I follow him on twitter @InvisiTech.  #ProfessionalMagicMakers
Bitmoji Image
  I continue to adore the positive Ed Tech culture. I went to the ISTE Conference in Chicago in June 2018, and it changed my life.  It remains my greatest Ed Tech Success.  I paid for it out of pocket, and I have absolutely no regrets.  My mind is still spinning!                               Bitmoji Image


  1. I agree Ronnie- so much has changed since we started this cohort. I love what you did with the "resume" on your blog. That's a great idea and I may borrow that! I also like the "then" and "now" idea. I'm blessed to be a part of all the stages!

    1. JodiLyn,

      I literally copied and pasted the bullet points provided in the USF assignment and replaced them with emojis. I like the way it turned out….Working on brevity.

  2. You're so cool! It has not been that long but yet we are growing so much and really expanding on who we are as educators. I thought the same thing as I edited my intro blog too.

    1. I love your fresh insights. I feel like a young teacher again. I'm glad I have the young friends to match. Thanks for making time for me in you world.

  3. Wow! You are an inspiration. I love how positive you are in every experience you have. You give me hope that I won't always feel like such a clueless wonder. Your blog is great!

    1. That clueless feeling is the sweet spot of learning. Lean into it! #Vunalribility

  4. I love taking classes with you. You always have such great insight in the world of education and out side of education. I love the way to share and always seem so positive. I am glad that you continue to take your "me" time in these classes. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the modules in this class

  5. Veronica,
    I enjoyed your reflection on how far you have come. Your positive outlook shines through. It is great to read that you take time for yourself - I think that helps with being positive.

  6. Omg. I love this. Reminds me of my Then and Now unit. So creative. As always I'm glad we have been on this journey together, you are so inspirational.

  7. I love the format and visuals in your blog! I sometimes forget that you have administrative experience and am excited for that perspective from you this trimester!

  8. Your blog is fantastic!!! And... every single class I learn more and more about your professional experience and I find it extremely impressive and motivating! The 6th class in the cohort... I agree, we have grown so much! Looking forward to another great 8 weeks. :)
