Sunday, October 14, 2018

Artifact 1 ED 678 Designing a PBL Unit

Artifact 1   ED 678     Designing a PBL Unit

Failing Forward

 Click Here to see my PBL Unit 
and the lowest grade earned 
during my graduate school 
experience, that spans over 20 years.  
42 of 50 points


          Trust me, I'm not bitter.  I'm better as a result of this experience.  I cringe when I think of planning like I did as a novice teacher.  Alone.  I embrace the practice required of Professional Learning Communities.  Designing this UBD for PBL was torcher.  It was a two-week activity that made me appreciate the support systems I have in place.  Our district is "growing" in the right direction with the curriculum.   We certainly have growing pains.  However, we must think of our curriculum design and implementation in stages.  I see this in two levels.  System phases and individual growth.  PBL is important for 21st Century learners and educators.  We must treat it like a marathon not a sprint.  When we use our collective talents we can create, refine and implement amazing UBD's and achieve measurable results.  I'm glad I had an opportunity to experience the pains of creating a UBD.  I am a better teammate, learner, teacher and professional as a result.  


  1. I struggled with UBDs too over the years but I feel like each time I do one it is more authentic and more purposeful. I encourage you to keep on moving forward. The access to materials and tools we now have because of technology makes design and implementation much easier now than 10 years ago when UBDs were first brought up in the district. I like how you title this as Failing Forward because even though you are not happy with the outcome it has been a learning experience.

    1. I promise to continue to move forward. The more I contribute to the design of teaching and learning the stronger my implementation. I still think my application of the teaching practice is my strong suit. I think the design is a week area for me.
