Saturday, December 1, 2018

679 Artifact 2- Badge Boards (A4)

Badge Boards...A Natural Next Step

Badge Boards have the potential to provide:

  • Motivation
  • Goldilocks Pacing
  • Clear Pathways for Achievement
  • Vechial for Celebration
I'm sold on the use of Badge Boards in elementary education.  We want to be RECOGNISED.  It is a deep seeded need in our human condition.  Our students are apart of a "gameing generation."  Earning points, stickers, badges, more playing time, powers, or anything that adknowledges their participation or leveling up is native to them.  Badge Boards are a natural next step for teachers.  

As we strive to provided individualized experiences for student learning, Badge Boards allow for just right pacing for students.  Learners that are not ready to move forward don't slow down the students that are ready for a new challenge.  The pacing is just right.  All student know the standards and progress with the support needed to succeed.  When well designed Badge Boards can provide Goldilocks pacing for students.  It's not to fast, not too slow, it's just right.  

Don't create a Badge Board for the sake of creating a Badge Board.  The real work is in thinking about the criteria and the pathway for submiting a final learning product.  This grueling step is the most important.  The work and the guidelines must be authinic to student learning.  

I was recently asked, How do students celebrate achievments in class?  Although there is lot's of spontainous applause, I can certainly do better in this area.  Badge Boards may be part of the solution.  

Like most of the things I want to implement in my classroom, I still struggle with implementing the system for the use of Badge Boards.  I know this will improve as I "JUST DO IT" and collaborate with my colleauges.  

My First Badge Board Experience

The Experience
View this brief Screencast .
Sincerely it’s only 3 minutes and nine seconds.

My First Badge Board
This is it. I have 24 students.  I used their student number in the first column.

I think I need a greater pixel setting. The video I used recommended 192x192.  Next time I’ll try 500x500.  I also like to idea of having fewer students on a board.  Next time I’ll create boards by small groups.  I like the idea of being able to see all group members at a glance.  I am considering allowing students leaders to manage boards in class.  In fact, I want to talk with my teaching team, coaches, and students about more authentic ways to create and facilitate the use of badge boards in our grade level and class.

Most of my colleagues thought this was a quick and easy assignment.  It was not for me.  It was tedious and took hours for me to complete.  I’m sure my next board will not be as painful.  I’m am glad I have the experience and will use badge boards to track and celebrate student success.

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