Saturday, December 1, 2018


I'll be back...

Just like the Terminator, technology is a part of my life.  I'm coming to the end of my 5th Cohort course and technology is becoming apart of my teaching and learning DNA.  With only, three classes to complete, I am confident that I will continue to learn and grow.  I have developed relationships and been exposed to resources that have "taught me how to fish."  

I was tremendously impressed by the way the instructor, Heidi Morgan, truly practiced andragogy.  I was treated like a learning professional.  Heidi also extended our experiences with additional real life and relevant resources.  I was not just (force) fed the fish, I was able to fish for myself.  I was able to feed myself.  

Image result for give a man a fish

The course, EEND679 Assessing and Improving Student Achievement with Technology, represents a mid-point benchmark in my cohort experience.  This class marks the first time I must confront not being a novice.  I'm not a novice anymore.  I'm not sure what I am in relationship to technology.  I love technology, and I don't know our relationship status.  

I recognize that I'm not the sharpest or fastest tool in the shed.  I'm a slow and steady device that works in concert with others to get the job done.  

This cohort is the beginning of a deep dive into instructional technology.     There have been times when I contemplated not continuing with the cohort.  I am grateful to my colleagues for their encouragement and support.  I'm not finished.  I'm just getting started.
Image result for to be continued


  1. I am with you girl! If I didn't have you guys, I think I would have quit awhile ago. You are my spark in my engine that drives my car!

  2. I know what you mean about it becoming in your DNA. Everytime we are planning I am like how could we incorporate technology.

  3. That is so awesome. Keep learning, keep growing! I appreciate all your help and know you will be a digital terminator!!

  4. Your bitmoji is great! We got this! Can't wait to see what else you do :)

  5. This cohort is truly the best. Everyone has great ideas. Thanks for showing me the Bitmoji, because now I'm addicted to them.

  6. You continue to make me smile. Thank you for restructuring your chromosomes for the betterment of our students. I feel that sometimes people think us "old dogs" cannot learn "new tricks", but boy are they wrong. I would love to have my child be a part of your classroom because you truly love learning and it reflects in everything you do. Hasta la vista, baby.

  7. "technology is becoming apart of my teaching and learning DNA." Wow. I didn't realize this was happening to me as well, but what an eye-opening statement. This may be that place of discomfort that continues to drive me toward learning more, asking more questions, and looking to my peers for guidance and support. This class was almost the straw that broke my resolve, because of how different my path is from my peers. Sharing, listening and taking the time to brainstorm how to keep moving forward with this new "not-so-novice" mindset, helped me to realize how much I've grown into the type of teacher I could be.
