Sunday, March 3, 2019

680 Artifact 1 Redesign Learning Spaces for the 21st Century Learner

680  Artifact 1 Redesign Learning Spaces for the 21st Century Learner

Space the Final Frontier

When we think of outer space we are often in awe and inspired.  As an elementary classroom teacher, I want my learning space to create room for the needs and aspirations of all my learners. This is not a simple task.  However, perhaps we need to approach our thinking with learning spaces with simplicity versus shock and awe.   The best example we can give to 21st Century learners is stewardship.  Are we using our learning spaces for their primary function: LEARNING?  What obstacles prevent us from creating an environment that allows the ISTE standards to come to life?  Do we invite students to be innovators and problem solvers with our classroom and school space?  

Module 7 Digital Environment Leadership gave me an opportunity to reexamine my classroom space.  Does my classroom space reflect my instructional tenents?  After deep reflection and looking at the resources from this module, I removed 4 pieces of furniture from my class.  I did some rearranging with my co-teacher.  It was not a one and done process.  We rearranged, discussed, rearrange, discussed and discussed some more.  The student response was overwhelming.  They were overjoyed.  "Now we have more room to sit on the floor."  "Can you get us some more kitchen cushion pads so we can work on the floor more?"  Watch out Marie Kondo, I'm sparking joy!

Check out my vision for a Redesigned Learning Space at ISE.
Click Here

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea for this space! It is similar to the one that I created for this same assignment, but I expanded the idea of the USE of space to be more technology lab driven by installing 3D printers for use in the space and chromebooks so that the space could be used when art is not in session. I did not tackle the idea of creating permanent walls, because in the past the district has said no to this idea even though the initial design of the space for was this EXACT idea! Love your idea Ronnie.
