Sunday, March 3, 2019

680   Artifact 2 Design a More Impactful Faculty Meeting

"Give Us Andragogy or Give Us Death!"

Have you ever just wanted to shout this out at a faculty meeting or during professional development?  I'm sure you have had that dreaded feeling in the pit of your stomach when your time is being wasted and you are not valued as a professional.  Perhaps, Patrick Henry's quotation parody did not come to mind.  However, if you have been teaching for any amount of time you know the sentiment.  In fact, the internet has a plethora of jokes, videos, and memes to express this dilemma.  

What does it mean?

Andragogy is a theory of adult learning.  It refers to the methods and principles that enhance adult education.  It literally means, leading man, whereas pedagogy literally means leading children.  Andragogy considers that adults may learn differently than children as a result of readiness to learn, motivation, and self-direction.  

Bitmoji Image

Why is andragogy important?
We don't want teachers jumping off of a cliff.  When staff meetings and professional development has not taken andragogy into consideration, it becomes a painful experience that deflates teachers.  When this happens, it impacts student learning and teacher retention.  A quality teacher is the number one factor for effective instruction and student learning.  

My Turn

When I had the opportunity to plan a more impactful faculty meeting, I kept andragogy and teacher agency at the forethought of my design.  Please check it out and share your thoughts with me.  Feel free to use at your own staff meetings or professional development.  Contact me if you are interested in collaborating.  Click Here to view. This is what the instructor had to say about this faculty meeting design.  What are your thoughts?  Leave a comment.  

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