Monday, April 22, 2019

681 Course Relection

681 Course Reflection

I didn't know what I didn't know

IT management, system admin, networks and networking tools, security tools, e-rates, and other things all need to be in place for me to turn on my computer and teach.  It is an IT ecosystem and there is a delicate balance.  During this course, I thought about the things I have taken for granted.  I was clueless about what it takes to achieve forward momentum for technology in classrooms.  I was happy in my end-user world.

The task of empowering students and staff with the tools and resources to be innovative learners is herculean.  School leaders must be visionary planners.  Strategic planning can support the creation of quality infrastructure and the implementation of support systems.

Now more than ever before we have a plastics crisis.  Electronics are the fastest growing waste. Technology procurement must consider and account for the ethical and responsible disposal of equipment.  Learn more about electronic waste disposal options for Will County residents.

Good stewardship is paramount for maximizing leverage.  Leaders have a responsibility to decrease the savage inequities in the digital divide.  A divide that is now multi-dimensional.  This includes how to use the internet and computer technology efficiently and effectively.

681 Artifact 2

681 Managing Educ Tech Services

Artifact 2--Technology Plan and Presentation

Creating a Technology Plan and presentation with a partner was invigorating.  Collaboration with a highly skilled professional who has shared course knowledge is a highly specific opportunity.  I am grateful that I was able to partner with Rebeca Ashworth for this assignment.  I had a taste of the power of collaboration when Rebeca, Michael Schuller, Deanna Hasselbring and I created a plan for a 21st-Century Learning Space in class.  It was fantastic!  Check out the Google Slide presentation done in class.

While working on the Technology Plan, the most beneficial discovery was Spiceworks.  This free online resource provides everything that system administrators, network engineers, technicians, and IT leaders need.  The Help Desk allows an organization to go beyond ticketing to understand and change staff and student behavior to add value to the learning environment.

As a result of studying the Spiceworks tools, I feel like I am better prepared to sit at the preverbal "technology table."  Perhaps the skills I am acquiring can be used to support a non-for profit or a library...Someday.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Unsplash

681 Artifact 1

Bitmoji Image681 Managing Educ Tech Services

Artifact 1-Module 01

The first week of this course was intense.  I read and reread each of the activity resources provided in Module 1 at least ten times.  The acronyms were foreign to my lexicon.  It was shocking.  As a veteran educator, I use and am well versed in my share of acronyms.  I strive to get AYP with my ELL and IEP students by using SIP strategies such as DEAR and KWL. 👀 See, I told you.

When faced with examining the ethical codes for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-Computer Society (IEEE), and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) I was LOST.  😕  The saving grace was an extract from the book " Ethics and Technology" by Herman T. Tavani.  The selection "Professional Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct" was illuminating.  Codes of conduct are not new to me professionally.  In fact, professional codes have been ubiquitous.  Teachers are painfully aware of a wide variety of school, district, state, federal, and global standards.

In all of my years in the profession, I never thought about the purpose of professional codes.  It has just been a part of my life.  Taking the time to examine the merits and criticisms of professional codes for IT and engineering professional was difficult and beneficial.  I am reminded that I am capable of disaggregating information when I am out of my comfort zone.

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but wait theres more GIFThere is more...the week and Module 1 are not finished yet!  The next experience was to research and write a two-page expository essay regarding challenges in the application of social, equitable, ethical, and/or legal standards in the field of educational technology leadership.  

After diving deep into the module one resources and activities writing the paper was less daunting.  I tackled inequality.  Specifically, I believe that inequality cannot be an excuse for schools to be stagnant in striving for equitable access to technology and 21st-century learning for students.  

Monday, March 4, 2019

681 Introduction

681 Introduction

restaurant photoThis is my third time updating my Introduction while in this cohort. When I go to link previous introductions, the information seems outdated. How can that be? Just like this photo by Toa Heftiba, my sign keeps changing. My life mirrors a tech cycle. You know, how new products replace what you just purchased 3 months ago? I feel like I've lived 3 lifetimes within the span of this cohort. I now have 18 credit hours completed. So, I'm going to keep it simple.

📕Employed: Joliet SD86 Isaac Singleton Elementary
📚Professional experience: Chicago Archdiocese, Charter & Public Schools Teacher/ Building   and District Level Administrator/National Louis University Adjunct
🎬Current position: 5th-Grade General Education Self-Contained Inclusion Class Teacher
🕜Years of experience: 30
🤞Hope for the Course: To be free of hardware and networking intimidation.
😷Something personal: Cancer is hugely disruptive, chaotic, and just plain awful for the patient                                          and family. I have a new normal.

My Life

Pre & Present Cohort Semi-Infographic

(Inspired by Lynda Siezega)

Before August 2017                                                                        

I knew how to click on a link but not how to create one.         
I can create a link in my sleep!

Before August 2017
I had not taken graduate-level courses in almost 20 years.

I have successfully completed 18 credit hours.

Before August 2017
I had perfect attendance.
Doctors' appointments impacted my attendance.
I am a caregiver, wife, mother, daughter, and teacher.

Passion and Purpose are a great Prescription!

Learning and Zumba are a big part of my self-care plan.

My comfort with technology is increasing daily.  It is becoming invisible.  This is a concept I picked up from Kevin Pashuk in a text from our previous class.  He is an IT Alchemist!  I follow him on twitter @InvisiTech.  #ProfessionalMagicMakers
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  I continue to adore the positive Ed Tech culture. I went to the ISTE Conference in Chicago in June 2018, and it changed my life.  It remains my greatest Ed Tech Success.  I paid for it out of pocket, and I have absolutely no regrets.  My mind is still spinning!                               Bitmoji Image

Sunday, March 3, 2019

680 Course Reflection

680 Course Reflection

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This is my fourth year of enjoying what I call a teaching sabbatical.  That's how I think of my professional work history.  It can be divided into three parts. 

  • The Early Years
  • School and District Administration
  • The Sabbatical
Image result for iste standards for administrators
After 10 years of serving as an administrator, I have the privilege of going back to my roots, my true love-TEACHING.  Now, I am just a few classes away from being eligible for a cutting edge certificate.   I wouldn't trade anything for this journey.  
This class reminded me of what I like about educational leadership. It gave me the opportunity to enjoy and explore as the 21st-century practitioner...without red tape, politics, and limitations.  It was simply fantastic.  I sincerely believe, that if we want innovative educational leaders, we must support them with back-office and management resources. Let's listen to educational innovators and support creating authentic 21st-century learning communities.  

Collaborating with my colleagues to create an impactful professional development session gave me the greatest joy.  These teachers are leaders and are a valuable resource to our school district and a credit to our profession.  This shared learning opportunity really extended my thinking on how adults collaborate.  Our final product is outstanding, and it is better than any of us could do individually.  

I'm not sure what the next steps are for me professionally.  I have a unique skill set and experiences.   I trust that I will continue to serve as a 21st-century learner and leader, regardless of my title or position.  I will continue to advocate for #TeacherAgency and promote ANDRAGOGY!  

680   Artifact 2 Design a More Impactful Faculty Meeting

"Give Us Andragogy or Give Us Death!"

Have you ever just wanted to shout this out at a faculty meeting or during professional development?  I'm sure you have had that dreaded feeling in the pit of your stomach when your time is being wasted and you are not valued as a professional.  Perhaps, Patrick Henry's quotation parody did not come to mind.  However, if you have been teaching for any amount of time you know the sentiment.  In fact, the internet has a plethora of jokes, videos, and memes to express this dilemma.  

What does it mean?

Andragogy is a theory of adult learning.  It refers to the methods and principles that enhance adult education.  It literally means, leading man, whereas pedagogy literally means leading children.  Andragogy considers that adults may learn differently than children as a result of readiness to learn, motivation, and self-direction.  

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Why is andragogy important?
We don't want teachers jumping off of a cliff.  When staff meetings and professional development has not taken andragogy into consideration, it becomes a painful experience that deflates teachers.  When this happens, it impacts student learning and teacher retention.  A quality teacher is the number one factor for effective instruction and student learning.  

My Turn

When I had the opportunity to plan a more impactful faculty meeting, I kept andragogy and teacher agency at the forethought of my design.  Please check it out and share your thoughts with me.  Feel free to use at your own staff meetings or professional development.  Contact me if you are interested in collaborating.  Click Here to view. This is what the instructor had to say about this faculty meeting design.  What are your thoughts?  Leave a comment.  

680 Artifact 1 Redesign Learning Spaces for the 21st Century Learner

680  Artifact 1 Redesign Learning Spaces for the 21st Century Learner

Space the Final Frontier

When we think of outer space we are often in awe and inspired.  As an elementary classroom teacher, I want my learning space to create room for the needs and aspirations of all my learners. This is not a simple task.  However, perhaps we need to approach our thinking with learning spaces with simplicity versus shock and awe.   The best example we can give to 21st Century learners is stewardship.  Are we using our learning spaces for their primary function: LEARNING?  What obstacles prevent us from creating an environment that allows the ISTE standards to come to life?  Do we invite students to be innovators and problem solvers with our classroom and school space?  

Module 7 Digital Environment Leadership gave me an opportunity to reexamine my classroom space.  Does my classroom space reflect my instructional tenents?  After deep reflection and looking at the resources from this module, I removed 4 pieces of furniture from my class.  I did some rearranging with my co-teacher.  It was not a one and done process.  We rearranged, discussed, rearrange, discussed and discussed some more.  The student response was overwhelming.  They were overjoyed.  "Now we have more room to sit on the floor."  "Can you get us some more kitchen cushion pads so we can work on the floor more?"  Watch out Marie Kondo, I'm sparking joy!

Check out my vision for a Redesigned Learning Space at ISE.
Click Here